Visualizing Parallelism with TSGL

By: Joel C. Adams and Suzanne J. Matthews (CSinParallel)

The Thread Safe Graphics Library (TSGL) is free software developed at Calvin University for creating parallel/concurrent visualizations. This booklet provides a series of videos of prebuilt TSGL visualizations of common concurrency concepts that instructors can use for their courses without installing TSGL.

Each page consists of a short description of the topic, and one or more videos illustrating the topic (with and without narration). Please note that the listed visualizations are a small subset of the available visualizations in TSGL. For additional visualizations, and to generate your own, we encourage you to download the TSGL software.

Available Visualizations

To Cite:

Adams, Joel C., Patrick A. Crain, Christopher P. Dilley, Christiaan D. Hazlett, Elizabeth R. Koning, Serita M. Nelesen, Javin B. Unger, and Mark B. Vande Stel. “TSGL: A tool for visualizing multithreaded behavior.” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Vol. 118 (2018): 233-246.