1.2. The code for the examples¶
The code is part of a Github repo containing small examples of parallel programming patterns initially started by Joel Adams of Calvin University.
This book presents each of the examples found in the folder in this repo called patternlets/MPI. You should read about each one and then try it on your system where you have the above mentioned software packages installed.
After the patternlets examples to introduce message passing fundamentals, there are two example applications that use common message passing patterns. These will enable you to study the code of a working example and explore how each of the programs can run faster using multiple processes and can scale to work on larger problems when using more processes.
1.4. Use an Editor to change the code¶
Some of these examples suggest that you edit the code. Indeed, you will want to study the code for the later complete examples, and an editor is a good choice for this. From a terminal you can use editors such as nano and vim on the Raspberry Pi head node. If you are connected using your VNC client, you can also try a GUI-based one called Geany under the Programming menu (from the Raspberry in the upper left). You will also see two versions of emacs under the Programming menu, if you are familiar with that editor.